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  • Writer's pictureRhea Saran

It's finally here!

There are (very) few good things about the crisis COVID-19 has wrought upon us. But one lesson this unfortunate situation has taught me is to appreciate the small wins. Like this weekend, I tried my hand at pickling for the first time ever and it wasn't a disaster. Win. And on a slightly more significant note, I've had the extra time to dedicate to working toward getting my website live. Ta-da!

This has been a project in the making for ages -- I bought my domain name years ago, but did little else until earlier this year -- this fateful year 2020 -- when I got a cracking design team involved, and in the past several weeks the site has been built, finessed and given life. Finally, I have a way to store, access and showcase the bulk of my work from over the past decade or so in one cool, easily navigable place. I can now happily abandon my previous piecemeal system -- if you can call magazines stacks in two apartments in two different countries and random digital folders stored on two laptops (one of which has juice for about 5 minutes before giving up the ghost) a "system".

Plus, I haven't blogged since New York over a dozen years ago. Now I can (and will). Expect moments of inspiration, random musings and -- hopefully -- heartfelt soliloquies. Whatever the mood, here on the blog it will be just me. Not Work Me, just Me.

That's it, folks. This first post is simply a celebration of having achieved one of my goals, made more significant by the timing of when it happened. It's the small wins. And I choose to celebrate.


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